Sacraments & Rites

Holy Communion
Holy Communion

Holy Communion is celebrated as the main service each Sunday. There is also a service of Evening Prayer and Communion at 5:30 PM on Wednesdays (on the second Wednesday this is a Public Service of Healing, followed by a simple potluck supper). Holy Communion is open to all baptized Christians who have been admitted to Communion in their own faith tradition. If you are unable to attend church, the rector will be happy to bring Communion to you on an occasional or regular basis.

Holy Baptism
Holy Baptism

Our understanding of baptism is that it is unrepeatable. If you have received Christian baptism at any point in your life, your baptism is fully accepted by us. We also understand baptism as a public act of commitment; therefore the normal time and place of baptism is at our regular public worship service. A conference is required before baptism to make certain the baptismal candidate (and/or the parents and sponsors in the case of infants and young children) understand and agree to the promises and obligations of Christian baptism.


Confirmation is the act of publicly reaffirming Christian faith in the presence of the congregation and the bishop. It is offered to those who were baptized as infants or young children, and those who are entering the Episcopal Church from other Christian faith traditions. (Those coming from other Christian traditions are “received” rather than confirmed.) Confirmation is offered locally whenever the bishop visits. In preparation for Confirmation, a period of instruction is expected. Please contact the rector for details.

Holy Matrimony
Holy Matrimony

An Episcopal priest must have 30 days advance notice before officiating at a wedding.  This is to allow time for instruction in the nature of Christian marriage, and to ensure that the requirements and customs of this church regarding Holy Matrimony are properly observed. In case of remarriage after divorce, additional time must be allowed for obtaining the bishop’s permission for the priest to officiate at the marriage.


The rector is happy to officiate at funerals of member and non-members. The service will be according to Episcopal Church customs. Funerals of active church members are properly held in the church itself. Members are encouraged to let their family, friends, and rector know of their funeral wishes, preferably in writing.


No payment for sacramental services is either expected or desired by the rector. A gift to the church in thanksgiving is much preferred.